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Breaking Down Trade Barriers

At the Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF), we are dedicated to breaking down trade barriers and expanding market access for Canadian sheep products. Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, we have taken significant steps to open doors to new markets and enhance the global reach of our industry.


Internationally, we have worked tirelessly to remove long-standing restrictions on the export of Canadian breeding stock to the United States. These restrictions, in place since 2005, limited the growth potential of our industry. However, with the recent change in U.S. regulations in December 2021, we seized the opportunity to collaborate with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to secure necessary export certificates. By establishing accreditation for export certifying veterinarians and addressing initial export permit challenges, we paved the way for the smooth export of breeding stock to the United States. Moreover, we successfully negotiated certificates for cross-transit shipments through the U.S. to Mexico, further expanding our market reach. Our efforts have not stopped there. We have finalized export certificates for breeding stock to Kenya in 2022 and initiated the process of obtaining certificates for other promising markets such as Ecuador, Cuba, and Peru.


Closer to home, we actively engage in initiatives aimed at eliminating trade barriers within Canada. As proud participants in the revitalized Food Advisory Committee launched by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in 2022, we advocate for the removal of inter-provincial trade barriers in the meat trade. Our collaboration with industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies aims to enhance domestic market access and create a more seamless and efficient trade environment within our borders. We firmly believe that by breaking down these barriers, we can foster a stronger and more prosperous domestic market for Canadian sheep products.


Sustainability lies at the heart of our endeavors, and we recognize the importance of responsible practices in our industry. In partnership with Temple University, we are conducting a comprehensive comparative environmental impact analysis. This analysis examines the effects of transporting animals long distances for processing versus establishing localized processing facilities. By gaining insights into regional processing capacity decisions, we can make informed recommendations on the optimal locations for local processing plants. Our goal is to minimize the environmental impact of our operations while promoting sustainable practices and reducing carbon footprints.


These initiatives underscore our unwavering commitment to expanding market access opportunities and promoting sustainable practices within the Canadian sheep industry. We firmly believe that access to global markets not only drives economic growth but also allows us to showcase the exceptional quality of Canadian sheep products to consumers around the world. By facilitating trade and promoting sustainable practices, we support the success and prosperity of our sheep farmers, their communities, and the entire industry.



Phone: 613-652-1824 or 1-888-684-7739

Fax: 613-652-1599


Canadian Sheep Federation

PO Box 10 Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0


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